Monday, October 27, 2008

Kieran is 7 months old Today

Kieran and Grandma in Maryland

Happy Halloween

Kieran Getting Ready to Crawl

Kieran & Dad
Before the Neighborhood Halloween Parade

I apologize for not posting any updates in so long. Kieran turned seven months old today, and has experienced many changes in the last two months. He now has two teeth, sits up on his own, and loves to rock back and forth on all fours; he will be crawling in no time I'm sure!

Kieran is still growing at a pace the continues to surprise me. On his six month doctors check up his height and weight equaled that of an average 15 month old. I have not weighed him since but I swear he has gotten bigger in the last month.

Kieran and I took our first solo trip up to Marland last weekend so he could meet his great grandma, Nana Sis, who turned 85 on October 18th. We were able to spend the weekend with Nana Sis, my mom, my Aunt Barbara, and my cousin Nancy. Kieran loved Barbara's dog Callie, a chocolate lab, and loved laying on the floor with her. We had a wonderful trip. Kieran did great on his third plane ride and between my mom and Aunt Barbara taking care of him I got a nice break and got to catch up on some sleep.

Monday, September 8, 2008

5 Months

After Pool Time With Grandma Jean

The mirror was much more fun
than shoe shopping with Mom and Grandma

He's not sure about going in deep water,
but he loves standing on the first step of the pool

The shoe mirrors at the shoe store
are the perfect height for the little man

He loves to sit up

He loves standing even more!

Kieran turned 5 months on August 27th, which also happens to be his grandpa Biff's birthday. He is still growing at a ridiculous pace and is bigger than the majority of infants in his daycare. He is smiling, laughing, and "talking" all the time now.

The little man is getting more active every day. He loves to hold our hands so he can sit up and then pull himself up to a standing position; he can even support himself standing if he holds on to a chair or table, but he definitely needs mom or dad there to catch him.

He had a great visit from his grandma Jean two weeks ago; he was spoiled rotten and he (and grandma Jean) loved every minute of it.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Kieran is 4 and 1/2 months

Swimming in the hot tub

Kieran Loves Carrots

He loves his tummy time

Practicing Sitting Up In His Chair

At Kieran's four month check up he weighed in at 20 pounds and was 27 inches long which puts him off the charts for his weight and in the 95th percentile for his height. Clearly his growth has not slowed down.

Since my last post Kieran has become quite the traveler. We flew to San Jose, CA with him for Ray Seymour's wedding to Bridget where he got to meet all his Seymour relatives for the first time. Two weeks later we flew up to Long Island, NY for a long weekend with the Endemann side of the family. Flying with him was surprisingly easy; he did great on the plane.

In addition to his travels, Kieran has had a few other firsts in the past few weeks. Our pool is finally warm enough so Kieran had his first swim. He is not too sure about the water he generally spends the entire time staring down at it, but he didn't cry. He also started on solids this past month, and not surprisingly he is a good eater. So far he has tried rice cereal, oatmeal, and carrots, and as you can see from the picture above he is definitely a fan of carrots.

Friday, June 13, 2008

He Keeps Growing and Growing . . .

Kieran just had another doctors check up and he is doing great. He is 16 pounds and 8 ounces (just off the charts in weight) and 25 1/2 inches long (95th percentile for height). Our pediatrician said he is the size of a six month old but that it wasn't too surprising considering his tall parents.

He is smiling all the time, he can push himself up when he is on his stomach, he watches everything around him and likes to bat at his toys when they are in front of him. We can't believe how much he has changed and grown in such a short time.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Kieran is 2 Months & MUNSTER WON!

His Dad is already grooming him to be a future rugby star

We are confident that at the rate he is growing he will
fill out this jersey in another 2 months

Kieran turned 2 months old on Thursday May 22nd. He is almost out of his 3 month clothes and we are now moving onto the 3 to 6 month clothes. At his last doctors visit he was 13lbs and 15 ounces. I'm positive he is well over 14 pounds now.

In other exciting news we spent this weekend celebrating Munster's win in the European Cup. For you Americans that have no idea what I'm talking about Munster is Ollie's favorite rugby team; this win was probably on par with the birth of his son. We watched the game with other Munster supporters at a local Irish Bar. It was Kieran's first Irish bar and first rugby game, he loved both, or at least he didn't cry at all.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Six Weeks of Growing

Two days after birth

Six weeks later

We wanted to give you an idea of how much Kieran has grown. The first picture is him coming home from the hospital at 9lbs. The next picture is Kieran on mothers day; a little over six weeks later. Our little boy is not so little.



Post Graduation Ceremony

We had a very busy weekend this weekend. After two years of stress and studying I graduated from business school on Saturday. Kieran and Ollie braved the three hour ceremony to watch my 10 seconds of glory, as I walked across the stage and received my diploma. We went to lunch with my classmates after the ceremony to celebrate. All together we spend about seven hours away from home with Kieran - he did great!

Sunday the boys took me to brunch for my first mothers day. Kieran slept through the whole meal, so it was very relaxing.